Errors which say Something happened, Unable to create, or Unable to write are caused by lack of permission. Your server user-name is usually www-data or sometimes apache.
To fix this error do all of the steps, in order.
Tokens generated by users, starting in Matomo 5, should keep unchecked the box "Only allow secure requests" if the token is meant for a GET request. However it is recommended that you check this box, and get in the habit of sending tokens in POST requests instead.
Certain operations by modules like Looker Studio Matomo Connector require a GET request from Google. So in that case, generate the token with the box NOT checked. If your site gets more than 100,000 pageviews per month, you must, must, must enable core:archive. And you must disable browser based archiving. This can be done in the config/config.ini.php file.
How long does core:archive take to run A very large site with 12M hits per day (300M hits per month) can take 8 hours to finish the core:archive. This is with some CPU-intensive options enabled, like uniqueness and segments. Here is one example of a real site which takes 8 hours:
Is PHP installed?
sudo apt update sudo apt install php There are two! Matomo runs two PHPs. One is on the Apache server for the Matomo backend. The other is the PHP for the CLI, which executes the core:archive command PART ONE: JUST CHECKING THE SERVER PHP WHERE REPORTS AND TRACKING HAPPEN Check memory and the version of PHP in the web server which serves your Matomo Interface First, make a serveable phpinfo(); page. I placed mine at Then serve that page, in the browser. Or from CURL. In Curl: curl | grep memory In your browser, the classic pink and blue PHP information page will appear. This will have important information about the memory_limit, the path to where the configuration files are, and the PHP version you are running. PART TWO: JUST CHECKING THE CLI ENVIRONMENT PHP, WHERE CORE:ARCHIVE AND OTHER CONSOLE COMMANDS ARE EXECUTED Check memory and the version of PHP in CLI (for Matomo core:archive) IMPORTANT The core:archive of Matomo uses the PHP settings of CLI, not of the web server. php -i | grep memory_limit To find the path to the config file where you can edit things like memory_limit php -i | grep -i config Example in my Matomo CLI environment This: php -i | grep -i config Returns this: Loaded Configuration File => /etc/php/8.1/cli/php.ini So edit that file to look like this: memory_limit=6G Is PHP enabled for Apache? sudo apt install libapache2-mod-php (restart Apache) sudo systemctl restart apache2 Configuration Check the PHP configuration file (php.ini) to ensure that the disable_functions directive does not include any module that you need! Find the php.ini php -i | grep php.ini Then, edit the php.ini file And restart server sudo systemctl restart apache2 Increase PHP memory in Matomo A typical Matomo error is Allowed memory size of 4294967296 bytes exhausted Typical steps to fix this error: Find the php.ini php -i | grep php.ini Then, edit this line in the php.ini file memory_limit=8G And restart server sudo systemctl restart apache2 (Or, if you want to experiment on-the-fly with benchmarking the performance, you can actually override the memory limit directly, including in the crontab, using an option such as: php -d memory_limit=2G /var/www/html/console core:archive ) A less common, laborious, alternative solution to prevent the php process from using too much memory is only process a specific number of reports at a time in order. We can achieve this by using a combination of --force-periods and --force-date-range in the core:archive task to process only a few specific reports for each core:archive run: For example: php path/to/matomo/console core:archive --force-idsite=13 --force-periods=day,week,month --force-date-range=2021-01-01,2021-01-31 And then repeat this process for each month that the reports were invalidated for. |
Troubleshooting + Deploying Matomo
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